Once the domain of cardiovascular surgeons and interventionists, hybrid operating rooms are evolving to serve other disciplines, such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, urology, oncology, and trauma surgery. While hybrid operating suites are expensive, the ability to diagnose, stage, and treat medical conditions in one sterile location can save time and resources. Hybrid procedures may also prevent complications associated with delayed treatment or patient transfers from a diagnostic suite to the operating room.
Current cardiovascular hybrid operating rooms may soon attract pioneering specialty professionals who see value for the patient and the facility. The design of hybrid operating rooms should include a long-term use plan. Flexible equipment configurations and storage options, such as operating room cabinets and medical supply carts, can ensure the hybrid operating room adapts and stays relevant.
The Cardiovascular Hybrid OR
Hybrid procedures, such as fluoroscopy-guided cardiovascular surgery, have traditionally been done in the OR or an interventional suite with two separate specialty teams. This collaboration requires moving additional equipment into a smaller-than-adequate space, with different and sometimes competing treatment plans.
The hybrid operating room combines fixed surgical and imaging equipment in a larger space designed for optimal workflows. An interdisciplinary team works together to provide the best care to the patient.
Hybrid Operating Rooms Expand Their Reach
Hybrid procedures are being used by many different medical specialists, making the hybrid operating room the location of choice due to the availability of complex imaging equipment.
The Journal of Thoracic Disease published an article discussing the use of the hybrid operating room to facilitate faster progression through the steps of diagnosing, staging, and treating early non-small cell lung cancer.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that women with placenta previa who were at high risk of hemorrhaging during cesarean section experienced less blood loss when surgery was augmented with balloon occlusion of the iliac arteries in a hybrid operating room.
An abstract from a study published in the journal Annals of Surgery reported that trauma patients benefited from initial treatment in a hybrid operating room compared to trauma patients who did not receive initial treatment under the hybrid model. The study showed that patients cared for in a hybrid operating room received treatment earlier, spent less time undergoing treatment, and experienced double the survival rate of non-hybrid treated patients.
Storage Solutions in a Hybrid Operating Room
The hybrid operating room is a complex environment. The multi-team model creates some design and workflow challenges. The hybrid operating room design should consider the placement of equipment, monitors, and supplies, how team members will navigate the room, and their workflows.
Will other specialists use the hybrid OR in the future? Some patient tables rotate to accommodate different set-ups. As hybrid operating suites gain a stronger footing in healthcare facilities, the question of supply storage emerges. Flexible hospital storage solutions can accommodate current and future hybrid operating room designs.
A hybrid OR can be used for hybrid cardiovascular procedures, or by other specialties, such as orthopedics, trauma, or neuroradiology. The size and configuration of the hybrid operating room may accommodate storage cabinets containing all needed supplies. If the size of the hybrid OR is less than recommended or is used for multiple specialty hybrid procedures, mobile supply carts or cabinets offer flexibility and keep clutter in the OR to a minimum.
Flexible Hybrid Operating Room Designs Save Time and Resources
Hybrid operating rooms help interdisciplinary teams combine procedures traditionally completed in silos. Hybrid diagnosis and treatment models may provide better patient care through faster treatment and fewer complications. Shorter hospitalizations and procedure times cut costs for both patients and the healthcare system.
Designing hybrid ORs demands a flexible space and flexible options for equipment and storage. Consider your hybrid OR’s storage options with the future in mind . For assistance in designing a flexible storage solution for your Hybrid OR, contact a representative at InnerSpace today.