
The right medical storage security can deter theft and increase efficiency at your facility. A reliable, secure, and user-friendly lock system is good insurance for your organization’s supply inventory. InnerSpace cart and cabinet locks cover the security spectrum, from a simple keyed lock to proximity choices and InterConnect Plus locks that are managed remotely through the InnerSpace Cloud platform.
Adding the web-based InnerSpace Cloud system to your facility technology stack helps management to track access to medical supplies for an added layer of security and employee accountability. The InnerSpace cloud allows inventory managers to better track supplies and receives alerts when reordering is necessary.
Assess your security needs for various departments and stored supplies and equipment to and find the lock option that best meets your needs.
InterConnect Lock
The InterConnect Lock system stores up to 9,800 individual users and administrator codes per fleet at each facility within a healthcare system. Electronic InterConnect Locks include a programmable auto relock timer to secure contents even when a cart is unintentionally left unlocked.
InterConnect Plus Lock
When InterConnect is linked with the Cloud platform, it becomes a WiFi-enabled InterConnect Plus Lock. You can control, manage, and track cart access from a single computer, saving the time it takes to manually program individual carts.